Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good-bye my Love

 15 inches cut at Paul Mitchell

I finally sucked it up and decided to send my hair out to Patene's Beautiful Lengths.  I know there are many other wonderful hair donation programs out there like Locks of Love, Angel Hair for Kids, Wigs for Kids etc.  I ultimately chose Patene's Beaituful Lengths because I love Patene's Mission to benefit women who have lost their hair to cancer.  Locks of Love is very popular with children who want to donate their hair to children who have lost their hair, which helped me decide that I wanted to help other women.

After reading the websites, I've learned that Locks of Love do sell their hair pieces to children 21 and under, while Patene's Beautiful Length solely benefit women whose hair loss was attributed to cancer.  I was never keen on the idea of my hair being sold, hence my decision to donate... I would like the recipient of my hair to not have to pay for a hair piece after everything that they've gone through.

All this research really makes you realize how much we take for granted, things like having hair... if you ever want to do something great for someone, this is an easy and significant way to do it.  It's a beautiful thing knowing that you can effortlessly change someone's life around.

No matter which charity you choose, you are doing a wonderful thing.

I would love to know if you have donated your hair or ever consider donating?  Where did you end up sending your love?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Summer is officially over...

The people I spent most of my short summer with...

 My dearest friend Lora.  I don't know why but we have fairly few picture of us together even though we've been very close friends for well over 12 years.  My theory is that we are both the non-photogenic type.  So over the summer, I made sure that we took as many pictures together as we can when got together.  This one is of our weekend get away to Vegas.

My two sisters that I rarely get to see.  For someone who has two sisters close in age (we are all one year apart, me being the oldest), I do wish we were a lot closer and shared more interests and bonding time together. 

Best ice cream sandwich in town

Camping at Isabella Lake, hiking in the Sequoia forest.

Getting back into art & craft

I knew I was going to miss everything about summer, so when I went to Seal Beach, I made sure to stop by the local shops by the boardwalk and picked up a few seastars and shells.  I didn't want them sitting around on the shelves... since I needed something above the headboard... I made a seaside garland.

Summer room project finally done.  I got a bookshelf into the room for all my books.  And made a giant resting pillow for reading in the winter when I just want to cozy up in bed with a good book.  I wish I had a sewing machine because stitching that pillow by hand was not so fun.  But I love the result, totally digging the blue stripes.

Express: Skirt $15

I'm going to miss this... riding along the beach shore

I love morning twilight... 5 in the morning fishing

Sunrise at Salton Sea

see you next year, summer...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Love what makes you smile

Cotton On: Off-the-shoulder Shirt $12

Avon Glazewear Lip Gloss: Cherry Liqueur $2.99

 Old Navy: Top $5

 Cotton On: Shirt $10
Lara's Closet: Cut-off Shorts $25
Forever 21: Belt $5

Target: Sandal $15

 Always find time to go for a ride.

 Best Friends don't knock on your door, they just walk in.

Love - what - makes - you - smile